Kunnantoimisto viettää kesälomaa 8.7.-26.7.2024

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    Day care Kissankello

    Day care Kissankello is located in the same building as the new school. All the day care facilities are brand new and have a nice view from the windows to the lake Lestijärvi. Kissankello has a 8-spot group day care and 14-spot day care operating in the building. The day care is mainly open from 7AM to 4.30PM. Early childhood education is organized full or part time and in the evenings, night and weekends. Also temporary care is available.

    Group day care is meant for children between the ages of 0-3. The group will be supervised by childminders and early childhood education childminder.

    Day care is meant for children between the ages of 3-5. Day care is surpervised by day care supervisor, early childhood education teacher and early childhood education childminder. The day care provides complementary early childhood education to preschool children in the mornings and evenings.

    The facilities in day care Kissankello are modern and the environment supports learning. In addition to the facilities in the day care, it is possible to use the school facilities like the sports hall and the house economics class. In addition to the school centres new facilities, the day care utilizes the surrounding environment and nature in the form of trips to the library, forest, beach or the museum. Day care Kissankello follows the sustainable development principles and gives the children the possibility for play, safety and will always be there for the children. The benefit of the child is always the focus of operation.


    Lapsi ja mies

    • Kunnan varhaiskasvatussuunnitelma https://www.lestijarvi.fi/pdf/varhaiskasvatussuunnitelma.pdf
    • Kunnan esiopetussuunnitelma https://www.lestijarvi.fi/pdf/Esiopetuksen_opetussuunnitelma.pdf
    • Varhaiskasvatushakemus 2021