Data handling
Personal data law (523/1999) 10 § ja 24 §
Draw up date: 17.5.2018
1. Keeper of the register
Lestijärven kunta/ Lestijärvi municipality,
Lestintie 39 69440 Lestijärvi
phone 06 8889111
Y-tunnus: 0180774-62.
2. Person in charge of the register
Susanna Tuikka
Lestintie 39 69440 Lestijärvi
+358 406841195
3. Registers in use
- Customer managment/invoice system
- Payment system
- Construction oversight system
- MAP-info map system
- Resident system
- Case management
- Anders-library customer register
- Pupil management Primus
- Book keeping
4. The purpose of personal data handling / register keeping
The personal information is only used for personal data law´s mentioned purposes such as
- Manging and up-keeping customer and employment relationships.
- Lestijärvi municipality´s service implementation, sales, management and invoicing.
- Municipality letters and briefs.
- Resident questionnaires and collecting information on residency.
5. Register´s information content
Name, social security number, address, phone, email, services defined for the customer and the history of changes in services.
6. Regulational sources
- Customers
- YTJ, yritys-ja yhteisötietojärjestelmä = business and community information system.
- VTJ, väestötietojärjestelmä = population information system.
7. Regulational information hand-overs
- Tax office, insurance company for pension, insurance company, unemployment insurance fund.
- Foreclosure officer if needed.
8. Tranferring information outside EU or Europe´s economical area.
Will not be transferred.
9. Principals for the protection of the register
Customer information saved on both paper and electronically is secured by privacy law´s principles.
Electronical material is secured with personal user names and passwords and a internet encryption. Most of the information is held within a encrypted virtual private network.
Lestijärvi municipality´s information systems are located in the servers of KaseNet, which are in secured and monitored computer rooms. The encryption includes expense monitoring and camera survaillance.
Manual paper material is kept in locked archives and it is being digitalized as soon as possible.
10. The right to inspect and execution of inspection
Everyone has a right to know, what information of themselves is kept in the register. The inspection right is free of charge if the last request for inspection was made more than one (1) year ago.
The one who wishes to inspect the personal data according to the personal data law 26 §, has to show the request to the person in charge of the section 2 of the register. The request must be single-handedly signed or proven in a equivalent document or personally at the office.
The records will be given when requested in writing.
11. Tiedon korjaaminen ja tiedon korjaamisen toteuttaminen Correcting personal data and exc
Rekisterinpitäjä poistaa, oikaisee tai täydentää käsittelyn kannalta virheelliset, tarpeettomat, puutteelliset tai vanhentuneet tiedot oma-aloitteisesti tai henkilön pyynnöstä. Oikaisupyyntö on tehtävä kirjallisesti.
12. Muut oikeudet liittyen henkilötietojen käsittelyyn
Rekisteröidyllä on oikeus kieltää rekisterinpitäjää käsittelemästä häntä itseään koskevia tietoja suoramainontaa, etämyyntiä, ja muuta suoramarkkinointia, markkina-ja mielipidetutkimuksia, henkilömatrikkelia ja sukututkimusta varten. Kielto tulee osoittaa rekisteriasioista vastaavalle yhteyshenkilölle, joka on mainittu kohdassa 2.