Kunnantoimisto viettää kesälomaa 8.7.-26.7.2024

Lestin kunnan vaakuna ja teksti.


    Naturally beautiful Lestijärvi has a thriving business life that grows and strengthens from tourism, which is one of the most important forms of business in the future.

    The energy projects in the near-by areas and the wind power project in Lestijärvi will make economic and residential growth possible in the whole area of Kaustisen seutukunta. Lestijärvi is a cosy, service oriented and prejudice municipality, where it is easy to move as a new resident.

    If you are looking for work in Lestijärvi, you can look for open jobs from duunitori

    or municipality´s website on the open jobs tab. If you can looking to start your own business, see the entrepreneurship tab on this page.